About Us

About Us: We’re two cousins, more like sisters, going on a trip across the US. Katie, a recent college graduate, aka, knower of all things, is accompanying her cousin Emily on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure before heading back to California where she'll start a teaching credential program so she can edumacate the young children. Emily, who, after living in Costa Rica for six months (CR Blog), thinks of herself as a traveling machine, convinced Katie to come on this next big adventure.

The Route: Northern California Bay Area natives, we will start by heading straight down to San Diego, California. Then we’ll take the “southernmost” route across the US from SD to Savannah, Georgia. From Savannah, we’ll hug the East Coast to Boston, and will ultimately end in New Hampshire, where we’ll spend a few days with our family out there. Katie will fly home to start school…again, and Emily will bum around NH for the summer! We hope you enjoy reading about our road trippin adventures!

We also feel we should add that we bought a book called Road Trip USA: Cross-Country Adventures on America's Two-Lane Highways, written by Jamie Jensen, and have used it as the backbone of our journey. We followed a LOT of Jamie's suggestions and used information in the book to help tell about the places we went in our blog. So, if you're ever planning a x-country road trip, his website is a great place to start, and you can't beat having the book with you on the road!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Wolfeboro Summer

Despite the fact that I feel a bit like I'm cheating on Katie by deciding to continue this blog without her (I'm sorry Katie!  I love you!), I'm going to do it anyway.  Because you know what?  I'm not done traveling.  Nor am I done telling you about how much fun I've been having.  So take that...person that I am angrily addressing.  :)

Anyway, back to the point.  After Katers went back to Cali to take teacher classes, and after I recovered from what turned out to be strep throat, or something (after three weeks of dealing with a nagging sore throat, I finally went to the doctor where I paid $100+ in ER fees and got some meds to mend me), I was having a ball.  (Actually, I was still having fun even when I wasn't yet 100% better, because that's just the kind of girl I am!).  Anyway, aside from getting settled in Wolfeboro, my first order of business was to find. a. job.